Dec 06, 2012 Jason finally kills Hoyt Volker after a deadly poker game and losing his ring finger.
Introduction to Far Cry 3 Aced In The Hole
Far cry 3 kill hoyt poker. A thorough diagnostic evaluation includes a complete history of the patient's symptoms, during which time the far cry 3 kill hoyt poker practitioner might ask the following questions:The doctor usually asks about alcohol and drug use and whether the patient has had thoughts about death or suicide. Aced in the Hole is the thirty-sixth mission of Far Cry 3. Sam and Jason go to Hoyt's mansion to play poker, with a intention to kill Hoyt and rescue Riley.Unfortunately, their plan fails, as Hoyt had a different plan of his own, killing Sam and forcing Jason to play a futile game of poker.
Far Cry 3 Aced In The Hole follows the Black Gold main story quest. In one of the previous quests Hoyt asked you to join one of his poker games.After weakening his organization by destroying fuel depot and the satellite dish it is time to take him up on his offer. Warning this is the POINT OF NO RETURN!. Access to the island, quests, and activities will be restricted once you start this quest (though you can continue them after completing the game). Be sure to save your progress before starting the quest.Far Cry 3 Poker Game With Hoyt Stuck
Reach Hoyt’s Compound.